Pete Wells writes a fairly essential essay for The New York Times about how even with the high-profile exposés on sexual harassment by famous chefs, it doesn’t seem like much is changing. I would have enjoyed him focusing more on his own role as critic, but then again maybe this essay is him warning chefs that he’s going to be paying more attention to this stuff. The line we saw the most on Twitter is worth printing out and hanging above your desk: “Something has gone grotesquely wrong when chefs brag that the chickens they buy lived happy, stress-free lives, but can’t promise us that the women they employ aren’t being assaulted in the storage room.”
I adore this 1974 profile of Julia Child
I adore this 1974 profile of Julia Child
I adore this 1974 profile of Julia Child
Pete Wells writes a fairly essential essay for The New York Times about how even with the high-profile exposés on sexual harassment by famous chefs, it doesn’t seem like much is changing. I would have enjoyed him focusing more on his own role as critic, but then again maybe this essay is him warning chefs that he’s going to be paying more attention to this stuff. The line we saw the most on Twitter is worth printing out and hanging above your desk: “Something has gone grotesquely wrong when chefs brag that the chickens they buy lived happy, stress-free lives, but can’t promise us that the women they employ aren’t being assaulted in the storage room.”